What to Expect from Google’s New Penguin Live Algorithm Update
Another year another algorithm update. We know Google don't like to rest on their laurels too long, lest the internet starts doing things without their say so, and this is why we get regular/semi-regular updates to core elements of the mighty Google algorithm, a secret guarded more tightly than that of Colonel Sanders' special blend of herbs, spices and grease. Essentially if the Big G doesn't tweak the complex way in which it navigates, catalogues and assesses the giant cauldron of content that is the World Wide Web (remember when people called it that?) it would soon become as redundant as fax machines, Snow Patrol or Ugg boots.The Dominance of Google
The reason Google dominates the world in which it operates so convincingly (and it still accounts for over 70% of all searches globally) is due to its chameleon-like ability to adapt to its environs, keeping ahead of the game and reacting when it finds itself under threat from nefarious types who have determined ways in which to dishonour its integrity. In much the same way as software programmers have to constantly react to vulnerabilities uncovered in their code by hackers, so must Google prevent those operating within the dark realm of SEO (as opposed to SEO's good guys, the white hat crowd) from taking shortcuts and gaining backdoor access to the many rewards of being top of the pile.Whilst some may question why Mountain View holds all the cards when it comes to picking and choosing who makes the most money online, it is still a free market and we seekers of knowledge/Christmas gifts/cat videos do have a choice when it comes to who presents us with the list of options from which we'll select a lucky winner. Ultimately if Google were returning results that didn't meet our needs we'd soon go elsewhere. How often do you drill through pages two and three of search results for any given query? If what you're after isn't page one Google has failed. Either that or you've spelled cat wrong.
And So To Penguin
As if you needed telling, the Penguin algorithm update relates to the quality of backlinks pointing to a page and its domain. In a world where links can be legitimately considered currency, the ones that don't add up are going to land you in trouble in exactly the same way as any income you have coming in that can't be traced and accounted for will inevitably alert the tax man. Unlaundered money quickly raises suspicion and so too will irrelevant backlinks and those from disreputable sources.You do not want a visit from HMRC auditors determined to identify the reason behind those irregular bank transfers from the Cayman Islands and you don't want Google digging about in your backlink profile if there are questionable elements to it. In theory the easiest way to avoid potential penalties is by only gaining links from safe and sensible sources that won't look out of place, giving your site a virtual thumbs up. In practise you don't always have control over where your links come from.