What Is The Best Google Ads Strategy For You?

Posted by Pinky

The Best Google Ads Strategy. What a question, with seemingly countless factors to consider before we can arrive at a satisfactory answer. Think about it though, a strategy that has the highest impact for you is going to be the strategy that shapes itself around your business, its goals, its values, and its challenges. So what makes a bespoke Google Ads strategy and why invest in one?

Best Google Ads Strategy - supporting image of a chess set
Photo credit: Nick Fewings

What Makes A Bespoke Google Ads Strategy

A bespoke Google Ads strategy is a purpose-driven strategy that is more than just a catchphrase – it has human direction and listens to its stakeholders.

Ever signed up for a free digital marketing consultation and received a download of a report that identified a million issues described in rather technical language that turned your nagging doubt over your account’s performance into full-blown panic? Or, if you’re one of the lucky few to have been contacted by a Google Ads Strategist but unlucky to have been assigned one of the less helpful ones, ever felt your heart sink as only a lack of understanding of your business was demonstrated, then finished the call armed with nothing but a checklist of auto-apply recommendations?

For a constructive audit of your account, let a Google Ads specialist whose income doesn’t depend on how much you spend on Google Ads cast an experienced human eye over your account and highlight the key areas to improve. When invested with time, they will be able to conduct deeper analysis, undertake new research, expand the number of recommendations, and order them by priority so that you have a clear understanding of what must be done and when in order to achieve your goal most quickly.

Was access to Google and all its linked accounts all that was ever asked of you? That may have been a Google Ads specialist asking, but not a Google Ads strategist.

A Google Ads strategist needs goals to work to, and understands that they change as the business’ brand, offering and reputation inevitably changes with the times. Not only the business but the attitudes, behaviour and attention span of customers also change, competitors rise and fall, and Google launches new features, retires others, and changes their policies. In this digital marketing state of flux a bespoke Google Ads strategy seeks to find a balance between long term planning and adapting and innovating to stay afloat and ride the wave to success.

Talking of sustainable growth, it is important to get a wider understanding of the elements that impact how quickly recommendations are implemented, because it is required to help us decide what recommendations to bring forward and what can wait. Finally, a bespoke Google Ads strategy makes use of the analysis and research you have already done and possibly paid for and integrates with your overarching marketing plan, to stay consistent with your brand, to be at its most effective, to best support you, and to avoid repeating work unnecessarily. It finds a way to work together with your developers and other marketing teams (content, PR, production) to make faster, more meaningful progress. The best Google Ads strategy is a collaborative effort, not a standalone plan.

If this sounds like the best Google Ads strategy for you and you want to know how much a bespoke Google Ads strategy costs, then get in touch!