Wellbeing Week
There is growing recognition of the importance of individual wellbeing both inside and outside of the workplace. As a caring, young, thriving digital marketing business we want to provide our team with the tools to live a happy and healthier life.
5 Ways to Wellbeing
There has been a huge amount of research in recent years into wellbeing within the workplace. The New Economics Foundation researched and developed five ways to wellbeing as part of the UK Government’s Foresight project on Wellbeing.
Here’s the five key ingredients to wellbeing and leading a happier, healthier life.
- Connecting – having a connection with people cannot be underestimated. Whoever that may be with. Friends, lovers, colleagues, neighbours, the person you sit next to on the bus. Maybe the barista you buy your coffee from every morning, on your way to work.
- Active – No not just going to the gym every day, although that’s fantastic if you do. But getting outside, walking along the seafront, taking a stroll around the Downs. Find an activity that physically gets you moving whatever your mobility and fitness level. There is so much on offer locally.
- Awareness – We are in such a rush to get to the next place we often forget to take in what’s around us. Head down scrolling through Facebook and Instagram totally missing on the amazing environment we’re living in. Breathe in that sea air, take notice of the sun warming your skin and appreciate the moment.
- Learning - The world is constantly changing and evolving. Learn something new, maybe it’s a new tool at work or how to make the perfect curry. The craft movement has seen a massive resurgence in recent years and there are more craft groups and classes than ever before. So, knit those gloves for your Dad, make that scented candle for your Auntie Dee. Learning builds your confidence and the process is enjoyable and fun too.
- Giving – Last, but certainly not least. The satisfaction of giving to others cannot be underestimated. The high you get on seeing their face light up and the thanks you receive. Take the time to reflect inwards as well as outwards and what that means to you and how it makes you feel. Whether that’s giving your time, skills, money, lunch, a homemade cake or something you’ve made from your crafty endeavours. It doesn’t have to be an object either. Just smiling at a passer-by can make their day better as well as yours.
Taking the Five Ways to Wellbeing ethos we’re looking at how we work as a business, the role our core values play and the needs of our existing and future team. It made perfect sense to our Co-Founders Helen and AJ to create a special event that helps provide the team with the tools and knowledge to a happier, healthier work-life balance.
Inside Out
So, thinking cap on we needed to put on an event that worked from the inside out. Nourishing the body, mind and soul. What better way than to invite the lovely Anita and her team from YouJuice over to talk to us about the health benefits of juicing. The team got to participate in a great juicing demo and sample some delicious juices and shots which was a great start to the week.

Thinking about the best way to help our team deal with the stresses of working in a thriving agency and all that encompasses. We knew we wanted to help give them the tools to manage their own mental health and wellbeing. We invited Paula from Minds Matter Now to come in and look at the challenges the team face. She taught us some great meditation and breathing techniques and how we can practice Mindfulness and awareness of the here and now.

So, we’ve nourished their insides with juice and their minds with meditation and mindfulness. Now it’s time for some pampering. Working in a busy office all day can really impact you in many ways. Good posture is vital and sitting at a desk correctly is a must. But we all know how easy is it to slip into a slouch or hunch yourself over your desk trying to get that report done. Taking regular breaks away from the screen and getting up from your desk is important. The lovely Monika from The Perfect Pamper came along and set up shop in one of our meeting rooms for the day, offering massage sessions focusing on the neck, shoulders and upper back. All key points of the body where stress and tension can manifest.

It's important to have the tools to be able to manage your own wellbeing and personal growth
The soul needs TLC as well and so AJ and Helen gave everyone the afternoon off and we headed down to Hove Lawns with our lunch and had a game of rounders. We may not be world class athletes, but this was a perfect tonic for the team. Wellbeing is multifaceted and all parts need to be looked after. This gave us the perfect opportunity to be active and connect with each other.
Rounding up the week we had the lovely Helen come in and take the team through a Yoga class. Stretching our weary bodies (especially after the energetic rounders match) and give us all a chance to relax and focus on ourselves. Many of us learning something new and giving us the opportunity to practice awareness.

The week was an enormous success and the feedback we’ve had from the team has been awesome. It’s something we plan to continue with. Making changes to keep the focus on a healthier, happier team. Monthly Breakfast Club; Fresh Fruit; Pilates; Massage; HIIT sessions and rolling out our new Employee Assistance Programme as part of our team benefits.
Here’s to a Happy and Healthier ThoughtShift.
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