Revealed – The Different Values Of Social Media
Businesses, I know you are jumping on the social media band wagon, desperate not to miss out, but do you actually stop to ask what you are missing out on? I’ve heard many of you saying ‘Yes, I’m on Twitter and Facebook but I have no idea why! I just know everyone else is doing it and I don’t want to be left out’. And of course I so often hear you ask ‘how valuable is social media to my business?’
Sumptuous Social Signals
Hopefully, you are a regular visitor to the ThoughtShift site and will perhaps have read my blog 'Are You Giving Out The Right Social Signals? Getting Jiggy With Social Media.' If the answer is no, then let’s do a brief recap.Asides from being a powerful way to increase public awareness of your brand and being able to connect with your customer base, becoming active with your brand on social media platforms is becoming a valuable practice. This is in the sense that Google is now recognising the validity of ‘social signals’. Why? Because, the more people ‘like’, ‘retweet’, ‘endorse’ or '+1’s’ the more they are saying that they think your brand rocks. This in turn means it is more likely search engines like Google will sit up and take notice of you.According to Kevin Gibbons, Founder of SEOptimise-‘Google has realised how important social is as an indicator towards assessing the quality of a website..’ The jury is still out on just exactly how much importance Google will put on these in the long term. But is still a widely held belief that getting jiggy with social media is starting to play a major part in SEO and as such is of real value to business.The Big Fat Question Of ROI