Inter-Agency Charity Football Match Raises £277 for The Clock Tower Sanctuary
As part of ThoughtShift’s commitment to work with local charities to raise funds and awareness for great causes, ThoughtShift recently organised an inter-agency football match with fellow agency iCrossing. The football match took place on Monday 12th December with players and spectators making financial donations to The Clock Tower Sanctuary.

The Clock Tower Sanctuary provides services to young homeless people between the ages of 16-24 in Brighton and Hove to get them back on their feet. Providing a wealth of services including food, showers and laundry which support people through the daily struggles of homelessness, The Clock Tower Sanctuary also offers mentoring and life skills classes to support young people to live independently.

The total raised by both agencies for The Clock Tower Sanctuary was £277. Inspired by the success of money raised as well as fun had by both teams, ThoughtShift is planning to launch an inter-agency football tournament in the summer of 2017. If you're interested in participating in the agency tournament, please contact us or email to register your interest.