Until relatively recently, tablet computing was restricted to clunky devices that didn’t last long unless they were attached to the mains. These devices weren’t truly the mobile devices we see today. This has led to rapid expansion in their use.A lot of people have been unsure about the nature of tablet computing; some believed that they would never catch-on – that they would be a fad. But with the advent of the smartphone, we’ve seen the cross-over of tablets and smartphones.Touchscreens have become an intricate part of the mobile tech landscape, and although it hasn’t quite permeated into desktop computing yet – such a development has made tablets all the more viable as a more versatile form of consumer tech, as well as a more viable platform for marketing.Don’t believe me? But let’s look at some the facts shall we. comScore, a leader in measuring statistics and trends in the digital world has come up with some interesting insights. According to their research, 1 in 4 smartphone users also used tablets during the duration of the study.In addition to this, they found that tablet users are 3 times more likely to watch videos on their devices. This makes for a particularly viable option for web marketers, as many videos are easily consumable and tablets offer an excellent mobile solution to viewing them – over their smartphone equivalents.As consumers become more and more connected, there is a steadily increasing usage of tablets as an in-between to their desktops and smartphones. Since the iPad burst upon the scene just a few years ago, tablets have begun to take an increasingly significant share of the market. By extension of this, they have also begun to take on an increasing amount of users.So, tablets have become a viable platform for marketing in and of themselves due to their improving technological abilities and increased users. This means a great deal for digital marketing - be it display ads for web-browsing, video marketing or even just good old SEO. It seems we will continue the shift from our desktops – indeed making us better connected as individuals and consumers, as well as better connected as businesses and marketers.