Digital Careers – Live to work or work to live?
This blog post was inspired by an excellent article in the July edition of ELLE Magazine by Alexandra Jones entitled ‘Do you have to love what you do?’ I particularly like the quote:‘Career decisions are not decisions about, “What do I love most?” but, “What life do I want?”’Whilst I do not entirely agree with this statement I think that what it comes down to is live to work or work to live? Do you choose a career path based on what lifestyle the salary will allow you to have or on what you will actually be doing at work for at least 35 hours per week for a majority of your adult life?The article looks at the necessary sacrifices associated with choosing a career path you love, namely:- Having to complete unpaid internships
- Having to work several jobs, because one is unpaid, infringing on your social life
- Delaying career progression because it takes longer to get started
- Delaying personal achievements such as buying a home