Baby Supplies Retailer Insights & Strategies from Hello Baby
Ever wondered what makes great people great? This is the second in a series of interviews with some of the UK's leading business owners, managing directors and entrepreneurs to look at the ecommerce strategies behind successful brands.

What brand do you work for?
Hello Baby
What's your name and position?
Trevor Ginn, MD
What's your brand purpose?
To sell great preschool products to customers worldwide.
What goal did you achieve in the last 12 months that created the most impact?
Increased our inventory size, keeping stock fresher, increased levels of what sold and what cut out what didn’t sell. Focused on what worked.
What was your biggest challenge in the last year?
Focusing on what sells. Discovering from the data and then responding.
It’s all about prioritising where to spend limited resources. And keeping a track of it. Getting better at data collection and processing. Around 50% of our goods are exports, often sold through Google Shopping. It is important to know what is good enough.
What approach did you take to solving your biggest challenge?
Understanding the data. Having a process in place. It’s basic maths but you need to do it constantly.
What's your biggest challenge right now?
Continue to get better? Focusing on what sells. Buying enough of what sells without over ordering.
What strategies are you considering for solving your current challenge?
More of the same but also a bit different. Maintaining channels which work but also discovering new ones. And getting better at SEO!
What are your predictions for the future of your market?
Online will continue to be of primary importance, marketplaces increasingly important and in-marketplace advertising will be more important. Things like the Chinese WeChat. Facebook marketplace, for example. Google shopping will become more like a marketplace.
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